Assortment of whole coffee beans suitable for making cold brew coffee

Best Beans for Cold Brew Coffee: Cafe-Mitra’s Top Pik

We here at Cafe Mitra have been working together on this piece for a little while now, talking about making an espresso with the best beans for cold brew coffee. Obviously, there are so many options out there in the world, but with the quality and pride that we put into our products, we sincerely believe that this list of our top three options found right here at will be your absolute favorites for the next time you need to soak some beans for cold brew coffee.

Now, obviously, this will be a list of what I believe are the best options for your best beans for cold brew coffee. Other people might think that their selection is more appropriate or has a better flavor profile when they are making a cold brew, but these beans are the favorites in our office and at our locations. So, with that being said, let’s go ahead and get into it. We’re really excited to help you find your next selection for an amazing roast.

  • Coffee Beans

    Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee (12 oz / 340g)

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: $13.19.Current price is: $11.87. Add to cart
  • Coffee Beans

    Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee (9 oz / 255 g)

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: $9.89.Current price is: $8.90. Add to cart
  • Coffee Beans

    Mediterranean Blend Coffee -09 oz

    Rated 0 out of 5
    Original price was: $9.89.Current price is: $8.90. Add to cart

What Makes an Espresso Bean Special

As I write this right now, I am drinking a cup of Mediterranean blend Central American coffee. This coffee is so good and brings me so much joy that I can rarely start a day without a cup of it, whether it’s used in a traditional cup of drip coffee, or I make it as an espresso, or if I do take the time and let it soak overnight as a cold brew. What’s interesting is that a lot of people do not understand that there is a bit of a difference in how regular coffee brews compared to when you use your best beans for cold brew coffee.

When you let your beans brew overnight for a cold brew, anything remotely light or acidic or fruity is going to be left behind in the bean, as those lighter notes tend to require a lot of heat to actually be extracted out of that coffee. With this in mind, when it comes to your cold brew, you want something that is particularly rich with a lot of chocolatey and darker notes. Otherwise, you’re probably looking forward to a rather bland cup in the morning. As a result of this, we believe that the best beans for cold brew coffee are those sourced from either Central America or South America. The climate and the richness of the soil and all of the other special elements in those rich and dense forests do wonders to enrich the flavor profiles of the coffees that come from those regions.

Our coffee here at Cafe Mitra comes specifically from Honduras, located in Central America. Amazingly, the way that we roast our beans, focused on the flavor profiles ideal for a Mediterranean or Turkish coffee, lends itself particularly well to being your best bean for cold brew coffee.

Our Top Selections

Café-Mitra Dark Roast Whole Bean

If you want your beans for your cold brew coffee to be the richest and strongest possible, then I recommend that you select our dark roast whole bean Central American coffee. This bean does such an amazing job of providing you with so many of those rich cold brew notes that you’re looking for and generally isn’t leaving anything behind because it’s designed for a rich flavor and doesn’t have much of that acidity or fruitiness that a lighter coffee might have. We recommend that you follow your normal process for taking your beans for cold brew coffee and just be mindful that these are whole beans, so you will need to grind them yourself.

Café-Mitra Dark Roast Whole Bean coffee for Cold Brew

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Café-Mitra Mediterranean Blend

Now, if you need a quick and easy solution as far as beans for your cold brew coffee, I recommend that you give the Café-Mitra Mediterranean Blend a try. Just like the dark roast whole beans, this coffee is sourced from Honduras in beautiful Central America. The roasting process for these beans is focused on that Turkish and Mediterranean taste, leading to a really strong flavor profile that lends itself very well for your overnight cold brew coffee. Given the nature of the pre-ground coffee, you’ll have less effort involved in your brewing process, but you may have a bit more oxidation in the flavor profile.

Café-Mitra Dark Roast Whole Bean coffee for Cold Brew

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Café-Mitra Medium Roast Whole Bean

Our last selection as a recommendation for beans for your cold brew coffee is the Cafe Mitra Medium Roast Whole Bean. This coffee is so delicious, and it’s the one that I use every single morning for the start of my day. I don’t typically use this one for the cold brew, simply because when it comes to cold brew, I do want that richer profile from the dark roast. However, if you’re someone who just really likes a lighter flavor profile, this comes out amazingly in your cold brew coffee and will give you so many hints and amazing tones and flavors that will brighten your morning.

Café-Mitra Dark Roast Whole Bean coffee for Cold Brew

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Why Are These the Best Beans for Cold Brew Coffee?

To kind of explain the reason that I made these selections the way that I did and why I prefer these coffees for cold brew over other brands is as follows:

  1. The richness of the Honduran coffee beans cannot be matched by anyone, anywhere. There’s just something about the soil and the richness of the air in that country, Honduras, that makes it so that these coffee beans have just the greatest richness and such a nice mellow sweetness that pairs into your cup, especially when you let it set for cold brew.
  2. We know that it’s a direct product coming straight from Honduras to the main company distribution. There is no middleman involved in this process and as a result, there’s no opportunity for extraneous contamination or processing to happen to the product. We’re getting a coffee product that is touching as few hands as possible without some sort of extra complicated factory involved in the process. This gives peace of mind to the consumer, knowing that these beans are amazing for their cold brew coffee.
  3. This last point might seem a little biased, but in my personal opinion, I’ve never experienced such a great bean for my cold brew coffee. Whenever my friends come over, the Cafe Mitra always gets pulled out because someone eventually is going to ask for either an espresso or that cold brew that stays in the back of the refrigerator. Or even a cup of drip coffee. It’s a common thing for all of our game nights, and it is just a mainstay that we seem to never be able to get enough of. I look forward to more days in the future where we get to integrate this amazing drink into all of our great times. And we really hope that you make the decision to enjoy it as well.

Final Words

Ultimately, if you’re a person who loves cold brew coffee, you definitely need to find an amazing source for high-quality beans. These selections from Cafe Mitra are going to give you so much rich chocolatey and hazelnutty tones and undertones that give you the most delicious mouthfeel and flavor that you’ll ever experience.

Bonus Section: The Cold Brew Revolution!

In recent years, cold brew coffee has taken the world by storm, offering a smooth, less acidic alternative to traditional iced coffee. But not all cold brews are created equal. The secret to a truly exceptional cold brew lies in selecting the best coffee beans for the job. In this guide, we’ll explore what makes a coffee bean ideal for cold brewing and reveal our top picks for the best beans for cold brew coffee.

Assortment of best coffee beans for making cold brew coffee

Understanding Cold Brew: Why Bean Selection Matters

Before diving into our recommendations for the best beans for cold brew coffee, it’s essential to understand why bean selection is crucial for this brewing method.

Cold brew is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold or room temperature water for an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. This slow extraction process results in a coffee concentrate that’s naturally sweet, smooth, and less acidic than hot brewed coffee.

The extended brewing time means that the beans you choose will have a significant impact on the final flavor profile. The best coffee beans for cold brew should be able to withstand the long extraction without becoming bitter or overly intense.

Characteristics of the Best Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

When searching for the best coffee beans for cold brew, keep these characteristics in mind:

  1. Roast Level: Medium to dark roasts often work best
  2. Origin: Single-origin beans can offer unique flavor profiles
  3. Flavor Notes: Look for beans with chocolate, nutty, or caramel notes
  4. Grind Size: Always opt for whole beans and grind coarsely before brewing

Top Picks: Best Beans for Cold Brew Coffee

1. Honduran Dark Roast: A Cold Brew Classic

Honduran coffee beans, particularly dark roasts, are often considered among the best coffee beans for cold brew. Their bold flavor profile stands up well to the long steeping process, resulting in a rich, smooth cold brew with notes of dark chocolate and a hint of nuttiness.

Dark roasted Honduran coffee beans for cold brew

2. Colombian Medium Roast: Balanced and Bright

Colombian medium roast beans offer a well-balanced option for cold brew enthusiasts. These beans often provide a bright acidity that comes through even in cold brew, along with caramel sweetness and a full body.

3. Ethiopian Light-Medium Roast: For the Adventurous

While light roasts aren’t typically associated with cold brew, Ethiopian light-medium roasts can produce a uniquely fruity and floral cold brew. This option is perfect for those looking to explore the diverse world of cold brew flavors.

The Cold Brew Process: Bringing Out the Best in Your Beans

Now that we’ve explored some of the best coffee beans for cold brew, let’s briefly touch on the brewing process to ensure you get the most out of your chosen beans.

  1. Grind your beans coarsely, aiming for a consistency similar to coarse sea salt.
  2. Use a ratio of 1:4 or 1:5 coffee to water for a concentrate.
  3. Steep the grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
  4. Strain the brew through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Dilute the concentrate with water or milk to taste when serving.

Cafe-Mitra: Your Source for the Best Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

When it comes to finding the best coffee beans for cold brew, look no further than Cafe-Mitra. Their commitment to quality and expertise in Central American coffees makes them an excellent choice for cold brew enthusiasts.

Cafe-Mitra’s Cold Brew Recommendations

  1. Dark Roast Whole Bean: This robust dark roast is perfect for those who love a bold, intense cold brew. Its chocolatey notes and full body stand up beautifully to the cold brew process.
  2. Mediterranean Blend: For a more nuanced cold brew experience, try Cafe-Mitra’s Mediterranean Blend. This carefully crafted mix of Central American coffees offers a smooth, well-balanced flavor profile that’s delightful when cold brewed.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Cold Brew Game

Finding the best beans for cold brew coffee is a journey of exploration and personal taste. Whether you prefer the bold intensity of a Honduran dark roast or the nuanced flavors of a carefully crafted blend, the key is to experiment and find what works best for your palate.

Remember, the best beans for cold brew coffee are those that bring you joy with every sip. So why not start your cold brew adventure today with Cafe-Mitra’s quality Central & Latin American coffees? Your perfect cold brew awaits!

Iced cold brew coffee made with Cafe-Mitra's best coffee beans for cold brew

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